Shayana Shop

Sagarmatha Western Winds

Sagarmatha Western Winds
Richiesta Speciale

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Western Winds

Third Place Winner at Cannabis Cup 1999
An almost pure Sativa with a soaring, cerebral high.
Also a Cannabis Cup award winner with the Haze taste and high.
Western Winds has been used in several breeding combinations for Sagarmatha, creating many champion varieties.
A favorite amongst Rastas who wish to have a high energy buzz.
Fantastic for conversation or romance with its relaxing and invigorating qualities.
She has a unique Oriental aroma and spiritual atmosphere.
Whether smoked in the morning or everning, the experience is always rewarding and pleasurable.
Much of the staff at Sagarmatha states that Western Winds is their nug of choice.
So put Western Winds in your sail and ride the high tide.
mostly Sativa

Vegetate until: 4 - 7 internodes
Flowering time: 70 - 75 days
Average height: 1.2 - 1.5 meters
Yield: 300 - 350 grams / m² (dried, indoor)
High: soaring, cerebral
Taste: very sweet

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