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Leap - Kosmic K

Il viaggio inizia mentre si prende un LEAP verso un mondo nuovo e meraviglioso, dove il senso di assenza di peso prende il sopravvento e una percezione alterata della vista e del suono regna sovrana.


Rilassamento, leggera euforia, formicolio del corpo, maggiore consapevolezza del suono e del colore, senso del tempo distorto, maggiore apprezzamento della musica, pensiero concettuale. Un dosaggio più elevato può portare a effetti più intensi, tra cui allucinazioni, esperienze fuori dal corpo e perdita di controllo fisico.


L'inizio del LEAP può richiedere un po' più di tempo del previsto. Si consiglia vivamente di attendere dai 30 ai 40 minuti prima di procedere al nuovo dosaggio. Parola dei saggi: dosi da moderate a più alte possono portare a esperienze intense e alla disconnessione dalla realtà. Per un viaggio più rilassato ed euforico (evitando il K-O), attenersi a bassi dosaggi e arruolare la compagnia di un viaggiatore.


25 - 75 mg
75 - 125 mg
125 - 175 mg
175 mg +


Come up
Come down
10 - 20 minutes
30 - 40 minutes
1 - 2 hours
3 - 8 hours
3 - 5 hours


2-FDCK (crystal)


Non destinato all’uso umano. Non raccomandato sotto i 18 anni di età. Se incinta, in allattamento o se stai seguendo una terapia, consulta il tuo medico.Non eccedere le dosi raccomadate. Il consumo può invalidare la capacità di guidare o di operare con macchinari pesanti. Si raccomanda di non consumare con bevande alcoliche. Disclaimer sulla Salute
Il prodotto non viene spedito nei seguenti Paesi:
Austria , Czech Republic , Germany , Italy , Norway , Sweden , Switzerland , United Kingdom

Recensioni LEAP - Kosmic K Condividi la tua esperienza


Took it at a rave in low doses. works great with music if you know how to handle your movements and ligaments :) !!! trippy and euphoric, i loved it!


Hello psychonauts ;)

So first of all, super fast and discreet order, as usual, (thanks Shayana )

As a fan of psychedelics and dissociatives, I decided to test the new LEAP.

So, appearance of fine white crystalline powder, without any real smell. In the nose it goes well, no real taste, at least not too chemical.

First effects 5 minutes later and plateau in half an hour, about 45 minutes and it comes down gently ... So on the one hand, the "anesthetic" and dissociative side that quickly gives you a numbness, first of the body then gradually of the mind, a little like alcohol but less stimulating, more serene (I speak for me).
And on the other hand, by forcing the doses a little, the psychedelic side is more and more felt, ideal to have fun in a calm, nice, pleasant place, with something to trip (go for a walk ... or things to do with your hands, try to play cards, crazy laughter guaranteed) if you have lasers or lights and curtains of color it's even better, it comes titillate the psychedelic side of LEAP ...

Basically, it's really like good "K" ................................................................/

> Otherwise for mixtures:

= By mixing with 1P LSD, the psychedelic side is greatly amplified the "motivating" side of 1P and the dissociative side of LEAP fits well but by increasing the dose of LEAP your psychedelia will be amplified in you can experience "Astral Projection" or clearly have the physical and psychic impression of flying 30 cm above the ground (me ct 3 m...! ;) )

So yes good dissociative at low and high doses & good psychedelic at higher doses.
Be careful, like any dissociative, don't be too forced on your back ;) ( "K.O." )

LEAP now enters TOP 3 of Shayana products (along with WOW and PULSE)

I hope I helped you, Have a good Trip & Stay Safe!

At the next T.R. ;)

Order received after two weeks, but the product is f*cking good. I have 0,2g and I was in heaven. This is like LSD trip, but this háve early start. I order this definitely again. Thanks.


Because im a lover of some kind of experimental things i was very curious about 2f-dck. I ordered it from Shayana and tried it by myself at home. I snorted it like Ketamine and started to feel the effect already after 10 minutes. It started with a sense of euphoria and happiness with a slight confusion. My body started to feel numb and like i was in a bubble of softness. I felt warm and peaceful. Walking became difficult. Very similar to Ket.

Pour les amateurs de ski de fond !
Entre MXE et KT.
3H à 6H.
Bien préparer le set up, bonne musique, éviter les interférences, pouvoir s'allonger, fermer les yeux.
Penser à nettoyer les reins après aussi. bodyload présent.
Ce n'est pas très utile d'en prendre de façon répétée, l'accoutumance est rapide, vaut mieux une (ou deux) bonne dose d'un trait puis voir.

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