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Entada Rheedii

Entada rheedii - African Dream Herb

Sebbene le proprietà medicinali di guarigione della Entada rheedii, solitamente chiamata African Dream Herb o Snuff Box Sea Bean, siano conosciute e siano state utilizzate dalle tribù aborigene per secoli, in maniera particolare l’African Dream Herb è rinomata per l’utilizzo da parte degli sciamani e dagli alti sacerdoti del Sud Africa per entrare in comunione con gli spiriti del mondo provocando vividi sogni lucidi.

PREPARAZIONE TRADIZIONALE: A seconda dello scopo, le preparazioni tradizionali della Sea Bean cambiano notevolmente. Quando viene usata per indurre sogni lucidi e comunicazione con lo spirito ancestrale, la polpa interiore del seme è consumata direttamente, oppure può essere tritata, messa a seccare, miscelata con altre erbe come il tabacco e fumata appena prima di andare a letto.

EFFETTI TRADIZIONALI: Ci sono molti resoconti non scientifici e aneddoti sugli effetti dell’ African Dream Herb che si possono dividere essenzialmente in due categorie. La prima categoria di resoconti afferma che il seme accresce la possibilità di addormentarsi e mantenere lo stato di sonno, così come di produrre sogni più lunghi, più vividi e memorabili; ma non necessariamente sogni lucidi. La seconda categoria di racconti descrive l’effetto del seme come un portale per entrare nel mondo dei sogni; il seme incrementa la consapevolezza durante la fase REM, rendendo più facile al dormiente di comprendere che sta sognando e di dargli maggiore vantaggio nel raggiungere la lucidità. In entrambi i casi, l’African Dream Herb ha raggiunto una ben meritata reputazione per essere l’erba da sogno per eccellenza!

Recensioni Entada rheedii Condividi la tua esperienza


I never had any allergic reaction before, with any natural psychedelic substances or any herb in general. Unfortunately I had it with this seed.
The seed was really hard to crack, inside, the white meat is solid, tough, like porcelain. I grind it to a fine powder. I tried to eat it dry but the taste was really bitter and a bit sour - I was OK with that, most substances don't taste specially nice, then I mixed it with a bit it water and that way a could take it faster. I took about half the seed (the seed is huge). The intake leaves you with a numbness in the tongue, this was also no surprise, I read others reported the same. After about 15 minutes I had sudden allergic reaction, the mucosae of my nose, sinuses and palatal swollen and the upper airways closed, a bit like a very severe flu. Weird enough, it was very local, it was in my nose, palatal, eyes that felt like burning, my eyelids got swollen as well. At that point I was worried so I tried to self induce vomiting, but I guess it was too late, all was absorbed, as hard as I tried I couldn't vomit anything.
Since I didn't have other signs of systemic allergy like rash or wheezing, it meant it was just a local allergic reaction, not systemic which is more serious, so I decided to just take some antiallergics I had at home, that helped a bit, but overall I had difficulties to sleep because of that.
So when I finally got to sleep, I had a very very deep sleep, just before falling sleep I had some images in my head dream like, but really weak and after a while I just fell totally asleep. I woke up about 8h later, except for the deep sleep, I didn't have any recall of a dream, neither any lucid dream (I had lucid dreams before, ages ago, so I know how they are supposed to be, but that's another story)..
I read other people's report and they are mixed, some people rave about it, some do not get much except the deep sleeping, I think that was my case. On top of this of course, the strange allergic reaction, good that I didn't eat the entire seed.
I think I was just unlucky, it is a natural product and there's always a tiny change of being allergic and the only way to find out is trying. To people wanting to give a chance to this seed, I recommend first, don't eat all. Instead try just maybe a quarter of the seed, and wait for 20-30 minutes (have an antiallergic at hand just in case, any antihistaminic you get over the counter is enough), if aside the numbness of the tongue no other effects appear, then you can safely go for it. Maybe it works for you, but for me didn't work

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