Shayana Shop

Salvia Extract 15X

La Salvia Divinorum ha delle forti capacità allucinogene. E’ tradizionalmente usata nei riti divinatori, ma la sua disponibilità sul mercato e l’uso si sono diffusi solo recentemente. Alcuni tra gli effetti più comuni provocati sono: risata isterica incontrollabile, perdita della percezione di sé; la sensazione di trovarsi nello stesso momento in posti e tempi diversi; particolari sensazioni fisiche.


1. Risata isterica incontrollabile. 2. Immedesimazione negli oggetti (candele, sedie, piante…). 3.Sovrapposizione della realtà, sensazione di ubiquità. 4. Perdita della sensibilità corporea e della coscienza di se. 5. Sensazione di trovarsi in un mondo bidimensionale. 6. Rivedere e visitare dei luoghi appartenenti al passato. 7. Strane sensazioni fisiche come sentirsi spinti o ritorti.


Tradizionalmente la salvia si consuma masticandone le foglie a lungo per poi inghiottirle, o bevendole sottoforma di tè. Entrambi i metodi non sono molto appetitosi e richiedono una grande quantità di foglie. Ai giorni nostri il modo più comune di assumere la salvia è di fumarla rullandola nel tabacco o nelle pipe possibilmente ad acqua. Per i fumatori occasionali la pipa ad acqua è di certo l’opzione migliore.
Il prodotto non viene spedito nei seguenti Paesi:
Finland , Germany , Norway , Poland , Switzerland , United Kingdom

Recensioni Salvia Extract 15X Condividi la tua esperienza


some lightly changed state of mind and nice talk with the plant. no visuals of any kind.



I never meet a herb with such strong healing potential for psychosomatic issues. When I was a kid, doctors tried on me almost every drugs they had, without success, things got only worst. In case, you found (as I did), that cannabis can help you with asthma, eczema,.. To compare it with Salvia, it's like soft touch from mother and straight shot from father. So, my experience:

half-hour of deep breathing, relaxing and listening meditation music. One pull from a pipe. I felt the wave of energy moving from right to the left. When it reached my body, I felt as it went directly trough it. One small scratch on my arm, one small point of pain, on the exactly same place when I used to have an eczema when I was child. The wave (similar like fire on the wind) extended the feeling through whole body. I was in flames and unimaginable pain. Almost more than 30 years I didn't have such agony and despair. I was the kid in the pain again, not able to breathe. Even the magic mantra: "leave it, don't fight with it, let it grow and let it flow away" it looked as the mantra doesn't help, so strong it was.
It was only for few seconds and then I continued with the therapy and stayed breathing/relaxing for next 2 hours.

Long story short, in case you have similar issue, take care of proper setting. It could unblock huge psychosomatic pain and push it directly to your mind. Combination with body-therapy could increase the healing power of the herb. In my opinion the proper setting is much more important as the usage of herb itself. Second try of Salvia had almost no effect on me, only nice and ecstatic feeling of body.

I'm not a doctor and I'm not a healer. I'm not trying to generalize the healing power of Salvia, only I had a need to share my experience. Maybe someone would find it useful.

Thanks, take a care and enjoy the health :)

hey , beautiful product , received very fast , and a awesome feeling everytime , one of my friends thought he was riding a horse and was screaming " jump on your horses , come on , grab your swords , stop laughing you k&#ts" ... ive had alot of experience with 10 and 20 , id say great for beginners ... thanks shayana...

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